Holland & Barrett: My Good Life MOT

Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT
We all know we should get our cars regularly serviced by a qualified mechanic and annual MOT checks are required by law. But how often do we check out what might need a little tuning up or improving on within our own lifestyle and bodies?
 It may seem hard to believe but we’re now already almost two full months into 2014. I find it surprising to think that almost 1/6 of the year is already over! But with Springtime just around the corner, now could be a fantastic time to re-visit any New Years resolutions that have fallen by the wayside or to think about introducing some fresh new changes into your lifestyle. 
Sometimes we already know what our goals are, we just need a little extra help and the right tools in order to achieve them.

Holland and Barrett have a fantastic new way to help anyone looking to Spring clean their health and beauty regime. They are the UK’s leading retailer of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. But did you know that all Holland and Barrett store associates are actually qualified to offer free advice on Nutrition and Supplements? If you’re in need of some helpful tips and the right tools to improve your lifestyle, you can pop into your local Holland and Barrett and have a one to one discussion with a Qualified store associate any time you like. 

My Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT
I was recently invited take a Holland & Barrett Good life MOT. I answered 10 straightforward health and beauty related questions and then nervously awaited my results. I was so happy when the certificate below arrived because I actually did a lot better than I thought!
My Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Results
My Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Results

Even though I did better than I expected to, I still picked up a total of six ‘minors’ along the way! I was actually surprised by how accurately the Good Life MOT had gauged the areas in my lifestyle that could benefit from a little improvement. So, in order to remedy those areas of my health and beauty reigime that were found to be lacking, I was sent some health and beauty products to help me turn my lifestyle around and address some of those niggly little issues that have been bugging me for a while! 

 Serenity miaroma Massage & Body Oil with Lavender and Sweet Almond Oil 118 ml – £7.99 

Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Serenity miaroma Massage & Body Oil with Lavender and Sweet Almond Oil
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Serenity miaroma Massage & Body Oil with Lavender and Sweet Almond Oil 118 ml – £7.99

OK, so this one is a no-brainer for me! I drink way too much caffeine throughout the day so I can sometimes find it difficult to relax and unwind before bed. This often results in a late night or perhaps even worse still, a broken and restless night’s sleep. This Massage and Body oil will definitely help me to get in the mood for a good night’s sleep as it contains the beautiful aroma of calming and tranquil lavender. It also rather conveniently provides a great excuse to get a back massage from my partner – and what could be more relaxing than that?!

dr.organic Organic Vitamin E Pure Oil Complex 50 ml – £8.79
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT dr.organic Organic Vitamin E Pure Oil Complex
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT dr.organic Organic Vitamin E Pure Oil Complex 50 ml – £8.79

Beauty oils of pretty much any and every description are very much ‘en vogue’ right now. And they’re super popular for good reason! Many oils are wonder products capable of doing amazing things for our skin, hair and nails. This Vitamin E Pure Oil Complex will be great for strengthening and conditioning my eyelashes which I abuse daily with copious amounts of waterproof mascara, eye lash curlers and false lashes! Also, like most oils, it’s a bit of a multitasking product and will make a fantastic intensive nighttime eye cream, relieve areas of dry skin and help to improve scarring and stretchmarks.

dr. organic Bioactive Skincare Organic Dead Sea Mineral Day Cream – £8.99

Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT dr. organic Bioactive Skincare Organic Dead Sea Mineral Day Cream
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT dr. organic Bioactive Skincare Organic Dead Sea Mineral Day Cream 50 ml – £8.99

Even oily / combination skinned girls like me can suffer from dry skin over the Winter months as the cold weather and central heating takes it’s toll. My skin is still oily in all the usual places, i.e. in the dreaded t-zone area, but I have been quite prone to developing more dry patches than usual on my cheeks. I find that I need a day cream to be richly nourishing but still light enough to wear under makeup. This cream looks wonderfully moisturizing, whilst remaining light and absorbent. It contains a lovely mixture of organic natural ingredients including Aloe Vera and Dead Sea Mineral Salt. Although this is free from any artificial fragrances, it smells so good naturally!

Neal’s Yard Wholefoods Whole Cashew Nuts 100g – £2.09

Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Neal's Yard Wholefoods Whole Cashew Nuts 100g
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Neal’s Yard Wholefoods Whole Cashew Nuts 100g – £2.09

My diet isn’t always the healthiest even though I’m a vegetarian, so these whole cashew nuts are perfect for increasing my vitamin, mineral and protein intake all in one easy and naturally delicious step!

Holland & Barrett Hair Food Naturally Inspired Food Supplement 100 Coated Caplets – £10.69

Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Hair Food Naturally Inspired Food Supplement 100 Coated Caplets
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Hair Food Naturally Inspired Food Supplement 100 Coated Caplets – £10.69

I’ve never tried anything like these before but I’m looking forward to seeing if they make a noticeable improvement to my skin, hair and nails. My hair in particular has been left dry and damaged as I’ve been maintaining faux blonde locks for nearly 2 years now! I’m also trying to grow my hair back long
after having a drastically short hair cut! My nails are, and always have been, very soft, weak, brittle and prone to breakage so if these do anything to strengthen them and improve their condition overall, I will be absolutely delighted!

Holland & Barrett Complete B Vitamin B-Complex 100 Coated Caplets Food Supplement – £7.75

Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Complete B Vitamin B-Complex 100 Coated Caplets Food Supplement
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT Complete B Vitamin B-Complex 100 Coated Caplets Food Supplement – £ 5.99

 B Vitamins keep energy levels up by supporting the metabolism. I’m quite excited to try these as well as they should help to reduce the tiredness and fatigue I often experience during the daytime. My ongoing mission to be more productive and effective with my time should get a boost thanks to these!

Holland & Barrett L-Lysine 1000 mg 60 Coated Caplets Food Supplement – £7.75

Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT L-Lysine 1000 mg 60 Coated Caplets Food Supplement
Holland & Barrett Good Life MOT L-Lysine 1000 mg 60 Coated Caplets Food Supplement – £7.75
Does anyone else suffer from the dreaded cold sore virus? Thankfully, I don’t seem to get them quite as often these days as I used to but they are still a relatively frequent occurrence and sadly, once you have the virus it can’t be cured. I find that keeping my lips well moisturized helps but I’m looking forward to seeing if these have a positive effect on reducing the frequency and severity of my cold sores too. 

Have you checked up on your health and beauty lifestyle recently? 

Hanna xox

*This post contains PR samples
All opinions are my own, as ever! 

5 Replies to “Holland & Barrett: My Good Life MOT”

  1. I have to use the L-lysine when I am having a bad month as I am prone to coldsores and impetigo 🙁 But since I have started taking them I am yet to have a break out!



  2. Hi Sian,

    It's great that the L-lysine has been working so well for you! I hope they can do the same for me too! xox

    Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂

  3. Love the idea of a Holland & Barrett MOT, I always have a browse in there but never really know what to pick up that's best for me! I've been taking 'Radiant You' by Seven Seas for a while now, for hair, skin and nails and they've made a big difference to my skin and hair! My nails, I'm still having issues with but I think that's a filing issue not a general weakness.

    Sarah 🙂
    Saloca in Wonderland

  4. I will have to try the mot questions – sounds like a great idea x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  5. It's always hard shopping somewhere if you're not sure what the right products are for you. I always feel lost in LUSH as I don't know my way around their product range very well at all yet!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what the hair food vitamins can do for me as they're actually a lot cheaper than many other brands I've seen. xx

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