Superdrug Naturals Lip Balm Collection: A Sale Bargain!

Superdrug Naturals Lip Balm Collection

Look out for this amazing sale bargain in Superdrug: 4 x Naturals Lip Balms for £0.49!

 Product description: ‘Indulge your natural side with these deliciously scented lip balms, created with calming extracts to leave your lips feeling richly moisturised.’

Superdrug Naturals Lip Balm Collection
 The Superdrug Naturals Lip balm collection contains four lip balms: Cranberry & Pomegranate, Mango & Papaya, Coconut & Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter. They all smell so delicious that it’s a real pleasure to apply these ‘scentsational’ (pun intended!) lip balms! 

Superdrug Naturals Lip Balm Collection

They feel smooth and moisturising and come in handy little 12g pots which are perfect for carrying around. They are suitable for vegetarians and BUAV society approved which is always a good thing in my opinion. I purchased this set of lip balms in the post Christmas sales for an amazing £0.49! I think this set had previously been priced around £3.99, so they were an amazing bargain and with four to get through, these should last me for a while.  

Superdrug Naturals Lip Balm Collection

So far, I have tried the Coconut & Shea Butter Lip Balm, and I love it. It smells delicious, applies easily and soothes and moisturises my lips. 
Have you tried these lovely little lip balms yet or did you snap up any great bargains in the sales? 
Hanna x