Review I QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer

QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
This QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer is definitely one of the most unusual beauty products I’ve ever tried. It’s a growth serum that promises fuller and longer looking lashes in as little as 7 days. I’ve never tried a eyelash growth serum before so trialling this product has been quite an interesting experience! If you’re curious to see how I got along with it, read on below…
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer

The basics at a glance:

Packaging: Gold plastic tube with screw lid and fine brush applicator
Designed for: The eyelashes
Consistency: Clear water-like fluid
Scent: N/A
Size: 5 ml
Price: £24.95
Available from: Stylelux UK

This is quick to apply and easy to use. I apply this to my upper lash line at night in the same way I would do with a liquid eyeliner, then in the morning I wash it off and repeat this process daily. My eyes can be quite sensitive but this doesn’t irritate them or make them sting. 

This contains that much hyped super moisturiser Hyaluronic Acid which is great for reconditioning dried out and brittle lashes. This can also be used on eyebrows too which may be useful next time I over pluck them!

QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
I think that this product’s main strength is in undoing some of the damage we do ourselves to our eyelashes. Wearing lots of mascara, scrubbing to remove eye makeup and curling our eyelashes are all things that we typically do with the intention of making our eyelashes look better but all of these things can actually harm them in the long run by causing them to shed prematurely or snap off. I think this serum does a great job of restoring and reconditioning eyelashes and it does seem to enhance their typical rate of growth. I was concerned that speeding up of the growth process may also speed up the shedding process but I haven’t found that I’m loosing eyelashes any faster than usual. 
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer
QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer

I am pleased with the results of this product and think that my eyelashes do look better at the moment than they have done for quite a long time. But I tend to view this product primarily as a nighttime conditioning treatment for the eyelashes with the added benefit of enhanced lash growth rather than an absolute miracle worker. 
This product is quite expensive and will need replacing every 4 – 6 weeks so for me, it’s not something I would be likely to use again. But if you really want to improve the natural look of your eyelashes or eyebrows and are prepared to invest some money into achieving that goal, this may well be worth trying. 

Available Online Here

Have you ever tried a lash growth serum before?

Hanna x

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This post contains a *PR Sample 
All opinions are 100% honest and my own, as ever!

6 Replies to “Review I QUICKMAX Eyelash Growth Enhancer”

  1. I've never tried an eyelash serum before, but I do use coconut oil on my lashes which I think helps. I like the idea of them though 🙂

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  2. I like the idea of this product and that it actually works, although I do not think I could afford it multiple times! I would actually recommend coconut oil, as it sooooo good at reconditioning your eyelashes and will help them to grow. I use it to take my eye makeup off with (it's very gentle so no scrubbing involved!). I really hoped this helped you, and I enjoyed reading your review 🙂

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  3. I have been looking for an eyelash enhancer since I had my extensions removed. Thanks for the review

  4. I've tried a L'Oreal lash serum, which I didn't see a difference, and a Too Faced serum I managed to snag at a discount store, and haven't noticed a difference,.. Purhaps that's why it was at a discount store!!!

    I have a sneaky suspicion that the only serums that work are the expensive ones :/ one day though I will try one!!!

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