Today is what may be thought of as a Gloomy Monday. Let me explain…
It’s rainy and grey in most parts of the UK and the official school summer holidays are drawing to an end. The reality of a new academic year is looming large for many parents, teachers, children and students alike.
This year’s Summer season is evaporationing into a mere memory of good times past, much like the setting of the sun, gradually fading into the horizon under a distant sky. How can something feel so close, yet remain so far?
Seasons Change
Meanwhile, the weather takes it’s familiar Autumnal turn slightly ahead of schedule. Although the atmosphere is still heavy with humidity and that refreshingly crisp Autum air remains elusive.
The mornings and nights are getting darker. The days are becoming noticeably shorter and the nights, notoriously longer. This awkward in-between stage, this hiatus, can feel awkwardly stagnant and oppressive.
A gentle wave of discomfort, discontentment and disappointment almost feels palpable; most of us can now only dream of sun, sea and sand…
After all of the of Summer fun in the sun, how does one adapt to the new season with it’s abundance of grey and multitude of peculiar particularities? I have no idea! But what I do know is that almost all of us can and will ultimately adapt ourselves accordingly.
Embracing Acceptance
Perhaps it begins with acceptance. Then we can start to look ahead and embrace the changes as well the new opportunities and platitude of possibilities it all brings along with it.
It could be said that adapting to change is what homosapiens have been doing best for thousands of years! So theoretically, it should all be second nature to us by now. But us modern human beings seem to be especially plagued with self doubt and anguish as our lives in this contemporary era have also evolved into something unprecedentedly complex and yet, favourably rewarding.
So I suggest that we might all take heart, breathe deeply and simply try to go with the flow. As difficult as things may feel in the moment, it will all work out in the end, I’m sure of it.
And with that in mind I would really like to say good luck to all those who are feeling slight trepidation ahead of starting something new this September. Dare to believe in yourself and dare to be yourself.
Because ultimately, I think you’ll all be and do, just fine.
Much love,
Miss Beauty Saver x