Sinful Colors Kylie Krushed Velvet Nail Polish

Sinful Colors Kylie Krushed Velvet Nail Polish
Sinful Colors Kylie Krushed Velvet Nail Polish

Vampy, subdued and demi-matte with a touch of golden shimmer: Hello my new favourite Autumn nail polish!

This is the Sinful Colors Kylie Krushed Velvet Nail Polish from the Trend Matters Collection. It’s a deep red plum shade with a golden bronze shimmer and the demi-matte finish has a slight sheen that’s just enough to bounce a little bit of light off.

Demi-Matte Texture: Yay or Nay?

I think that although the demi-matte finish does look quirky and ontrend, it’s ultimately underwhelming and a little flat when paired with this intense shade. A glossy finish would make a far more complimentary combination in my opinion. I think it would brighten up what is a slightly muddy colour while bringing out some of that beautiful golden bronze shimmer that shows up so well in the bottle but doesn’t quite translate onto the nails. I’ll definately use a glossy top coat next time to create some serious shine and then I can maximise that luxe effect.

Application and Removal

Speaking of that Luxe effect, this nail polish performs well and is quite impressive considering it’s affordability.  The coverage is also very good being almost opaque in one coat. I always consider a low number of coats to opacity ratio as a positive attribute in a nail polish and it’s usually a sign of a better quality nail polish. It’s opacity does mean that it’s highly pigmented and it can unfortunately stain your nails or cuticles. I’d recommend a careful application and thorough removal to minimise this issue but it can still be a bit of a pain to deal with in all honesty. This formula is quite thick so thinner layers are better but it can be a little bit difficult to work with, especially if your used to thinner formulations.

Sinful Colors Kylie Krushed Velvet: Hit, Miss or Maybe?

Other than those a negatives, I have nothing else but praise for this polish! It’s definitely a hit for me! If you can get hold of it at a decent price, it may well be worth adding to your nail polish collection.

About the Sinful Colors Kylie Trend Matters Collection

There are 13 shades altogether in the Trend Matters Kylie Jenner collection. It was hugely popular at the time of it’s launch in 2016. The collection features two different finishes: Satin-matte and demi-matte.

The Pure Satin-Mattes were initially sold exclusively at Target and the Velvety Demi Mattes, such as this one, were only sold at Walgreens. I think that’s one of the reasons these were immediately so popular. The exclusivity enhanced demand because it implied scacity. This helped to transform an inexpensive drugsore product into something very desirable. These were marketed as the nail polish equivalent to Kylie’s world famous lip kits and that can surely have only added to their popularity too!

Made in the USA: Sinful Colors

Sinful Colors Nail Polish is typically very affordable, retailing for $2.99 in the USA. Sinful Colors is actully made in the US and it’s marketed as a profesional quality polish that’s free from formaldehyde, toluene and DBT. We usually have to pay a bit more for Sinful Colors over in the UK as it’s an import but many people like myself still consider it to be well worth the money. Sinful Colors is comparable to more expensive brands and the polishes rarely, if ever, fail to deliver or dissapoint.

Have you tried anything from the Kylie Trend Matters collection? What do you think about this Sinful Colors Kylie Krushed Velvet Demi-Matte Nail Polish? Let me know in the comments below!

Miss Beauty Saver xoxox

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4 Replies to “Sinful Colors Kylie Krushed Velvet Nail Polish”

  1. This is a very pretty shade! I just realized last weekend that a lot of my favourite nail polishes are almost empty and I need to pick up some new ones! I’m not sure if this brand is sold over here but I’ll have a look xx

    Beautylymin | Ecooking Skincare Bundle Giveaway

    1. Thanks Siobhán! I’m so impressed at how efficient you must be at doing regular manicures to get through multiple entire bottles of nail polish! What a perfect reason to go and buy a few more! Happy shopping my love! xx

  2. Thats such a beautiful color… I love it! Youre review is amazing and helpful!

    1. Thank you so much! Glad you found it helpful! Hanna xx

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